Golden Pride Fleet
Star Fleet Command Dynaverse Fleet

Taming the Tiger
Newbie Tactics
Drone Defense

Drone Defense Thesis
Dennis "SFCShadow" Greene

This article originally appeared in Hailing Frequencies issue 1. It has been recreated here from the original material. The material here is based mostly on SFb material and what was hoped would be changes made in SFC2.

This document is an attempt at understanding Drones, their effectiveness and how to defend against them. I will attempt to outline thier uses by type and also propose methods of reducing their effectiveness in combat when faced by drone carrying ships.

Differences from SFB vs. SFC for Drone Defense

The primary difference from late SFB vs. SFC is the substitution of a ph-3 and 1/2 APR for ADD's on some ship designs.

ADDs (Anti-Drone Device) were developed as a response to the Kzinti1 in general and Klingon drone cruisers in specific. As time passed and drone technology became more refined, starships found themselves more and more often facing a seemingly unending wave of drones hurled at them. As a means of countering the drone threat, a new type of missile rack was developed.

The ADD Launcher threw large clouds of matter at incoming drones, shuttles and fighters. The launcher had a maximum range of 3 hexes (3.0K - 3.99K), where it was most effective. The closer a target to the launcher, the less chance it had to hit, due to the spread of the flak cloud. The launcher was able to fire at at single target each second until it exhausted it's ammunition.

Later, the launchers were modified to be able to launch tiny "dogfight" Type-VI drones in addition to the flak clouds. The original ADD rounds were able to damage shuttles and fighters to a very limited degree, but were unable to damage an enemy starship's shields or hull in the slightest. ADDs were instrumental in keeping many a starship in one piece when faced with inbound 10 or even 12 drones.

Due to limitations in the simulator software, ADDs were omitted from the ship schematics provided. In their stead, the simulator programmers have equipped each ship armed with an ADD launcher a ph-3 and ½ an APR to power it.

Effectiveness of ph-3 and 1/2 an APR vs. ADD

This would normally be a nice balancing move due to the phaser and power being able to be used for other purposes. However, some examples in which having an ADD would be superior are:

A ph-3, when fired at range 1, will do 4 points of damage 66% of the time. 33% of the time, it will only do 3 points of damage. A typical Type-I drone requires 4 points to kill. It can also only be fired once every 30 seconds or so. An ADD, if it hit, it will automatically kill any drone, and can be fired every second until the threat is eliminated. As a damaged drone will not do less damage when it hits, it falls to the defending ship's captain to dedicate a number of ph-3s exceeding the number of drones inbound, by 33%. If 6 Type-Is are inbound, you'd better have 9 ph-3s ready to fire.

Unfortunately, it gets more complicated. The simulator software does not model the typical availability ratios of Type-I to Type-IV drones, and therefore only allows "All or None" options. You could conceivably be facing down an enemy armed solely with Type-IV drones, and have no way of knowing until you see your front shield disintegrate from just 2 drone impacts. The ADD would stop the same number of Type-IV drones - it's an auto kill if it hits, regardless of drone type.

The ph-3 however has a much more difficult time versus the Type-IVs. A single Type-IV takes 6 points to destroy, and does double the damage of a Type-I if it hits. No ph-3 made can destroy a Type-IV in a single shot, so instead of allocating 9 phasers to kill 6, you must allocate 12 ph-3s. Even a Hydran couldn't hope to stop them all with 2 ph-Gs. Now, remember the double drone control of the Klingon drone cruisers? Now you have *12* Type-IVs inbound, and nowhere enough phasers to handle them.

While I am NOT saying a single ADD will let you take on the Klingon drone fleet, I do believe in certain situations a single ph-3 and ½ point of power will never make up for the loss of an ADD launcher. There are tactics which will allow a captain to deal with a drone wave, however none are as elegant as ordering the weapons officer to release the safeties on the ADD launcher. On the other hand, the exclusion of the ADD launcher may force the cadets to invent new anti-drone tactics, and rely more on their wits than on the technology. The ideal strategy for our officers to learn is to not allow his/her ship to be put in the situation I have described.

Know Your Drone

As can be seen, the ph-3 ½ APR exchange for the ADD is not a good substitute and alternate means for dealing with the perceived drone threat is needed. Before we can discuss ways to defend against drones we need to be able to tell drone types apart. You can tell drone speeds primarily by their color when they launch

If the drone is violet in color this indicates that it is a fast speed drone.

The Type I drone will do 12 points of damage when it intercepts its target unless it is destroyed.

If the drone is a pale blue or a light colored blue this indicates that it is a medium speed drone.

If the drone is a dull or angry red/orange it is the slow speed drone. Scatter pack drones are of this type and also Type IV drones.

The Type IV drone will do 24 points of damage when it intercepts its target.

As can be seen the type IV is much more dangerous especially in numbers because of the enormous damage it can deliver per unit.

Drones can move at three types of speed.

Slow Drones - Move at speed 12

Medium Drones - Move at speed 22

Fast Drones - Move at speed 32

Note that type I drones are smaller/skinnier then type IV drones, but many do not notice, also note that the fastest drone can move faster then your ships are capable of doing, these can be extremely dangerous types of drones and defense vs. this type is even more important then the rest.

Drone Defense Techniques

Many think that when they see drones that there is no effective way to defeat them and are overwhelmed and panic. This is not true or necessary, drones although dangerous are only truly so if in great numbers. Even then there are methods of dealing with drone “waves” that can make them impotent.

Verses One Drone – This is perhaps the easiest to defend against. Single drones are more an annoyance that can’t be ignored then a threat.

Use your tractor beam – The defensive tractor beam should be your primary defense vs. a single drone. This prevents the drone from hitting your ship and will hold it there until it runs out of fuel.Many people are not aware, but you can use the “primary” tractor beam as well as defensive tractors, thereby giving you an extra tractor beam if you need one. Just charge it up and “target” the drone, the tractor will grab it like it will a ship.

Use your phasers – This is the next best defense. If you have abundance of phasers then by all means, designate a few to anti-drone defense and let them take care of the problem. It takes on average of one phaser 1 to destroy a type I drone and type IV. Although to guarantee a type IV kill requires 2. It takes on average of one phaser 2 to destroy a type I drone and two phaser 2’s to destroy a type IV.It takes on average 1.5 phaser 3’s to destroy a type I drone and two phaser 3’s to destroy a type IV drone.

T-Bombs and mines – Although this is an effective defense, for a single drone unless there are no other options this is the most wasteful type of defense. The reason is that a mine is an explosive device that has the potential of taking out many drones at once and to waste on a single drone is a waste of resources, but in a pinch they can be used. Be aware that a mine / T-Bomb needs a period of time to become active, don’t expect that as soon as you place them they are immediately available. You’ll have to time it so that it is active at the time the drone crosses it.

Run away – Perhaps not the most gallant of defenses but if all else fails, running away from drones is an effective form of defense. It is much easier to run away from the slower drones and reenter combat with them still chasing your around, vs. fast drones although it is still an effective technique (especially if there is some distance between you and the drone), because of the extreme high speeds involved, it is harder to turn back into a fight. Running away for fast drones should be used so you can cycle your phasers and fire on the drone. Depending on the drone faced and the situation, this can actually be the best defense if managed properly.

Shields – This may sound like an odd defense, but that’s what they are there for. Sometimes it is best to just take the hit on the shield so you can place more effective fire on your opponent and you are not willing to give that opportunity up. If possible reinforce the shield to be hit and bear down and charge

Verses Two Drones – The defenses against two drones are the same as outlined for a single drone, sometimes a “combination” is best. Using a tractor and shooting them is usually best, and the mine / T-Bomb defense is slightly more useful here as you can take both drones out with a single mine a better use of that resource. Unless you have very good shields, this defense should only be used in desperation and I would recommend against it.

Verses Three to Four Drones – If you start seeing this many drones you are beginning to get into the “threat” by numbers stage of combating drones and all of the above methods work for defense except the shields defense, as so many drones against anything but the strongest of shields will bring it down and most likely do internals. If you have a wingman, a new defense is possible.

Mutual Defense – When faced with multiple drones, flying your ships near to each other can be an extremely effective defense, this allows each ship to take on the burden of defense and reduces the cost of defending for single ships.A nice feature of multiple ships defending is that their defense tractors can be used if they are near drones, even if they’re not targeted at that ship.The same is true for phasers placed on defense duty, as long as they are near a drone they will auto fire. So Mutual defense is very possible.

The Mine defense begins to come into its own, at this level of drone numbers because if the drones are grouped together a single mine will destroy them all.

Combined with the “run away” defense, the mine defense is also useful. Just roll a mine out the back while you are running. If the drones are close, to close for the rolled out mine to arm in time, then T-Bomb a mine in front of your ship. You’ll overrun it before it arms and take out the drones that way, even if you move slightly to slow or misjudge the transport range, if they are right on you, you may still get them with the mine and take minor damage to your rear shield. 10 points damage is better then multiple 12 points or greater drones.

Verses Six to Twelve Drones – At this level drones become a real threat and what has been outlined for three to four drones become a necessity. Mutual defense should be the norm unless you plan on using all your phasers to defend against the threat. Even if you are planning to, you will eventually be overwhelmed and succumb to their shear numbers. The shared burden of defense will become paramount in surviving so many drones and the mine becomes one of your best options in dealing with the threat. This is because the mine can destroy the whole lot of them if they are grouped together and drone waves of this type are usually grouped in 6-8 “packs”. There is a new defense to be considered at this level.

Wild Weasel (WW) – At this level and above another possible defense is the Wild Weasel, basically the Wild Weasel is a shuttlecraft that make so much “noise” that it tricks the drones into thinking it is the target and not the ship. There are some disadvantages to the Wild Weasel for the owning ship.While the WW is active you cannot move faster then speed 4, doing so violates the WW. Since most combat is at higher speeds, this will cause your ship to ‘suddenly’ stop while it launches the WW.Firing your weapons while a WW is active violates the WW and it will no longer function.

As can be seen, using the WW removes any initiative you may have in the battle, but if it’s a choice between having no defense or not having enough defense, it is better then taking terrific damage or even destruction.

Verses 13 or More Drones – This is enough to waste a ship in short order and truly cannot be dealt with on an effective level with less the full cooperation of a wingman pair or fleet. All of the above tactics / defenses need to be done in concert with all members of the fleet. If you try to take on that many drones alone instead of as a unit you will see your fleet destroyed one ship at a time. Mine placements work best by multiple ships placing them and tractor defense and phaser defense is much easier to do if the fleet acts as one unit. Great care must be used when so many drones are “airborne” as it will only take letting one wave through to loose or reduce its effectiveness in defending itself.

Miscellaneous Defenses

HET is another defensive measure that can be used in desperate ways. If all else fails and you’re out of options or you want to combine this defense into an offense the High Energy Turns is another method of defense. This defense requires more skill, timing and much practice to perfect. If perfected it can be quite a shock to your opponent. The process is to time your HET to coincide with the drones impacting on your ship. By rapidly turning your ship as the drones intercept, you can spread the damage across several shields and if any weapons that were not able to fire come to bear they may get a shot off as well. The problem with that is as soon as you fire, the HET is voided, so be careful in anti-drone defenses used this way.

Drones can be used in anti-drone defense as well. Place your launchers in single fire mode and use your targeting on the drones individually and fire away, one drone will kill any drone it hits.

ECM is also a possible defense. If your ECM is high enough you can “spoof” the drone and it will not detonate when it hits your ship.

Admin Shuttles can be used as a defense screen as well, but requires you stay near them for this to work and only gives you a limited defense, but every little bit helps.

Suicide Shuttles also can be used as a desperate defense measure like drones; if they target and hit a drone they will kill it. This is a bit of overkill and the drone can avoid it if turning since SS are so slow.

Probes can be used to take out single drones as well, if they hit, they will kill any type of drone.

Heavy Weapons; many don’t consider this, but heavy weapons can target and destroy drones as well, photons, disruptors, Fusion beams etc. This needs to be done manually like the drone vs drone method of defense.

Some races have “special” means to deal with drones.

Lyran ESG, although this is many times used as an offensive “Ram”, they were primarily meant for drone/fighter defense. Just power them up and “sweep” drones away.

Romulan Cloaking Device, when a Romulan cloaks, they will break the lock on for drones (and plasma’s) so that they cannot hit the Romulan. Even if they do hit, they may still miss or cause little damage due to the cloaking devices ability to reduce damage done once hit.

Plasma shotguns, this is a method whereby you fire your plasma weapon as a bunch of small F type plasma’s.

Hydran Phaser G’s and Fighters. These can be excellent defenses since a G type phaser is equivalent to 4 type 3 phasers. The Hydran fighters carry (except earliest type) G phasers as well.

Limitations of Drones

The greatest limitation of drone bearing races (in SFC that is Klingon and Federation and Orion only) is that they have a limited supply of drones. Drones will eventually run out. Each ship that has drones has a drone “rack” and this determines the number available and the number that can be fired at once.Each drone rack has unique properties:

A rack – This is the standard rack and has a capacity of 4 standard drones and can fire one drone per turn.

B rack – This is a larger drone rack holding 6 standard drones, with the same firing rate of the A rack.

C rack – This is the rapid-fire drone rack. Two drones may be fired in a turn. These cannot be launched within 12 impulses of each other (or about 7 seconds at speed 7). It holds space for 4 standard drones.

F rack – Sometimes referred to as the “Jump rack”. It is identical to the A rack but installed in a shuttle bay. This allowed ships that don’t ordinarily carry drones to carry them; the race most likely to use this is the Federation and Orion and very early Klingon ships. This rack does not fire as often as standard racks, firing 1 drone every 2 turns. (Or about 40 seconds at speed 7)

G rack – This is just like the C rack but is supposed to have an extra targeting system to allow for better anti-drone defense, treat as a C rack.

Type IV Drones are twice as large as standard drones and therefore can only be carried in limited numbers.

Firing more drones then a ship can control will result in some drones going inert and no longer useful.

A ship with 3 or less drone racks cannot control more then 6 drones at a time.

A ship with 4 or more drone racks cannot control more then 12 drones at a time.

Many times drones can be outrun if the captain pays attention.

Drones take some time to get to target unless they are near their targets when fired.

Drones can be destroyed before reaching their targets as outlined above.

Drones can be tractored and rendered impotent until destroyed by weapons fire or they run out of fuel.

Drones can be "spoofed" (by WW’s) and High ECM.Drones, unless fired from extremely close range, are useless vs. cloaked targets, and then only if they are in the early stages of cloaking or have been “flashcubed”.

Drone carrying ships, especially Drone boats or ships that carry many drones, usually carry less weaponry (especially Federation ships) then standard ships. Once they run out of drones they lose a significant portion of their firepower.


As can be seen here, drones although a respectable weapon, need not be the fearsome magic “bullet” that many seem to think they are. They are not the all-powerful Armageddon weapon, and should not be overly feared or considered the magic victory in a bottle. Used properly like any weapon they are a potent threat, but there are limits to their use like any other weapon in SFC. If you rely too much on your drones for victory, against a savvy opponent, you may find yourself defeated with some very simple methods.